When mouse-on to lingerie’s submenu, the submenu text color change to white as same as the background menu color. So I cannot see it. I would like to change it to black. How to make it.
9 answers
Hi victorlai,
I took a look at http://magento.cybertoads.net/eiregnil/lingerie.html and not see the problem there, Did you manage to sort it out ?
Hi Sherlock,
You should go to SKIN menu and change it to other color (jade, red, yellow, green, violet) rather than DEFAULT COLOR and ABSTRACT COLOR. Then you will see the problem.
HI victorlai,
I did as you mentioned but still do not see the problem, the background color always be white
Please refer screenshot.
The submenu for LINGERIE, which is Bras, Knickers is in white color as same with the background color. So it will not seen by user until the user’s mouse move to it.
Hi mate,
you can open the file of skin/frontend/default/jm_lingerie/joomlart/jmmegamenu/css/jmmegamenu.css look for this css rule
HTML Code:
.jm-megamenu ul.level1 li.mega a.mega span.menu-title { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; padding: 3px 0; text-shadow: none; }
change it to
HTML Code:
.jm-megamenu ul.level1 li.mega a.mega span.menu-title { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; color: black !important; padding: 3px 0; text-shadow: none; }
I hope this would help !
It did not help.
I just took a look at your homepage and i was seeing it works.
Haha…I always facing this kind of problems even I flush cache after making any modification. Anyway I think I should restart my PC in future.
so Is it working now mate ?