How to clean to original UB Data Migration setting

I was in the middle of migration process until I decided to restore the whole website to original state to do the migration all over again.
After that, I installed UB Data Migration on the website and find out that now UB Data Migration showed 16 steps: 8 pending steps from the last installation and 8 new steps by the new installation. And I can go nowhere from that.
How can I clean this so I can start migration from scratch?
Thank you,
See the screenshot here:

2 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone September 22, 2018

Hi Long Nguyen,
Regarding this issue: 

I installed UB Data Migration on the website and find out that now UB Data Migration showed 16 steps: 8 pending steps from the last installation and 8 new steps by the new installation.

It’s a strange issue that we see for the first time so far. Please make sure you strictly follow our Readme.html instruction included in your download package. 
Our office is off in the weekend, so we’re sorry for certain delay in following upon your question during this period. 
Meanwhile, please continue the migration process at your end. If you run across any other issue, please submit a new ticket, we will follow up further with you. 
Ubertheme team


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