I would like to display layered navigation (SHOP BY) on all my categories. How do I get this working?
Currently its showing only when I do catalog search.
However its not showing up in my categories
9 answers
Please go to admin and set "Is Anchor" to "Yes" by following this path.
Catalog -> Categories -> Girls -> Leggings -> Display Settings -> set "Is Anchor" -> "yes"
The "size" block does not display correctly. All the sizes appear in one line
However, I dont see this problem in catalog search
This is the issue you said? http://prntscr.com/4jj61g
yes, this is exactly the issue. Any solutions?
I have solution but i need to try first, Please PM me your FTP info.
PM sent with login details
Hi Now your issue is ok.
Super, you are a genius. A million Thanks
What was the fix? Why was it not affecting other attributes?
I only copy this file to folder and make my changes :
From "/app/design/frontend/base/default/template/orange35_colorpicker/filter.phtml" To : "/app/design/frontend/default/jm_kidsland/template/orange35_colorpicker/filter.phtml"