How to fix the alignment of the slideshow

I am using the Pharmacy theme from Techzone. My website was working fine the past month and then I changed my domain name and my banners from 4 to 2. Now the 2 big slideshow banners do not line up with the 2 small banners on the side. How do I fix that? Please help since I cannot find where to go!

7 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 24, 2016

Hi Chien chang Lu,
To show the banners as our demo at:
Before you upload the banners to server of your site, you have to design the banners with right dimension in local first.
You could be see here to get good dimension for each banner image:
Please have a look and contact me if your need further assistance!

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 26, 2016

Hi Chien chang Lu,
Did you compare your shortcode of this block with shortcode of this blocks in our Quickstart package?
I need a closer look current settings of this blocks in back-end of your site. Let’s provide me the site URL and admin credentials of your site.
and then tell you solutions to solve that.

Profile photo of Chien chang Lu 360.00 $tone June 1, 2016

I fixed it. There was an extra paragraph break before it. But is the template not on Internet Explorer? The banners are not responsive to the browser size when we use Explorer. It works fine on Chrome, Firefox, and Mircosoft Edge but it also needs to show up not matter what the browser size or browser. I attaching the homepage how it looks with 2 different browser sizes on Explorer. Can you help me with this please? If there are customers who use Explorer, it might discourage them.

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone June 3, 2016

Hi Chien,
The IE support too. The Internet Explorer from me working still very fine.
Best Regards,


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