How to install template that I bought in magento 1.9.1?
The files available here for download or need serve others?
When I install the following error appears:
CONNECT ERROR: Package file is invalid
Invalid package name, allowed: [a-zA-Z0-9_-] chars
Invalid version, should be like: x.x.x
Invalid stability
Invalid date, should be YYYY-DD-MM
Invalid channel URL
Empty authors section
Empty package contents section
What should I do?
1 answer
Hi Daniel,
We are planning to upgrade Magento 1.9.1 for our themes. The Flannel has not been exported yet.
You can try to upgrade 1.9.1 follow our guide.
First step, you need to upgrade core Magento :
Second step is configure feature configurable swatch
I hope the information above could help you somehow.
If you have any problem in upgrading, feel free for contact to me.
Tks and br,