I can’t get Megamenu displayd even though I have enabled it and done everything according the instructions. I also checked that there was this line on page.xml file.
<block type="page/html_topmenu" name="catalog.topnav" template="page/html/topmenu.phtml"/>
5 answers
@Kalle Hakkola: May I know which theme you are using?
hello i am using jm_mall theme . In this menu , slide show, and product slider is not working please solve this issue asap. Magento version is 1.8
I’m using JM Bookshop
Okay it works now. I put this on page.xml:
<block type=”jmmegamenu/jmmegamenu” name=”jmmegamenu” >
<action method=”addData”><data><menu_type>MENU_KEY_GO_HERE</menu_type></data></action>
@Kalle Hakkola: Glad to hear it works now!