How to make quickstart like yours?


is it possible to make quickstart like you have for deploying site to new domain? If its not a secret…


3 answers

Profile photo of tomc 0.00 $tone January 7, 2013


is it possible to make quickstart like you have for deploying site to new domain? If its not a secret…


Are you talking about moving your site to a new webhost and/or server account?

If so, your best bet is to utilize a backup utility such as AKEEBA BACKUP -- and then migrate your site over.

Profile photo of tomc 0.00 $tone January 7, 2013

Ahhh, sorry about that . . . .

This article should help you -->

There’s a few things you need to do once you have your staging domain name all set up.
1. Copy the files. Make sure you clear the var/cache and var/session folders as they’ll have old data that we don’t need.
2. Copy the database. Export it to a file, create a staging database, and import this dump file.
3. Update the app/etc/local.xml file with your new staging database information. This step is important!
4. Modify your database using a tool such as PHPMyAdmin, and edit the ‘core_config_data’ table to update the base URLs (/web/secure and /web/unsecure)
5. If you have SSH access, run this command in the staging store’s document root:


./pear mage-setup .

6. Finally, load up the staging domain, and that should about do it!


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