How to make slideshow make links work in IE

Internet Explorer doesn’t handle the slideshow links well.
They end up broken.
How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance.

12 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone April 13, 2015

Hi Hans,
I am sorry for not getting your points. It would be awesome if you can possibly include URL of your site and a screenshot with detailed explanation. I am happy to help you out.
Best Regards,

Profile photo of Hans Zuidinga 270.00 $tone April 22, 2015

Hi Kan Lee,
Thanks for updating the slideshow.
I did not edit the function menu.
Only edited the settings for mobile navigation.
What is the best way to update the flannel theme?
Thanks in advance.

Profile photo of Hans Zuidinga 270.00 $tone April 24, 2015

Hi Kan Lee,
I am very happy with all the support.
However, on the front some basic styling is gone like the background.
Did you do this with a reason?
I try to add a block with our shoptimes in the left column but I can not get it displayed.
This is the tutorial Static Block configuration on the uber site.
What am I doing wrong?
Love to hear from you.
Thanks in advance,

Profile photo of tuan le van 11570.00 $tone April 27, 2015

HI Hans Zuidinga,

However, on the front some basic styling is gone like the background.

I edited and backuped the url file : /skin/frontend/default/jm_flannel/css/theme.css line 1091 : bottom: 35px to bottom : 60px

I try to add a block with our shoptimes in the left column but I can not get it displayed.
This is the tutorial Static Block configuration on the uber site.

do you want to add the shoptime’s block in all page?
Best regards,
Kan Lee

Profile photo of Hans Zuidinga 270.00 $tone April 27, 2015

Hi Kan Lee,
Is it possible make it look like the other blocks?
White background, title and an orange bar on the left?
My question about this was not specific.
Hope you can fix it or tell me how to do it.

Profile photo of Hans Zuidinga 270.00 $tone April 29, 2015

Hi Mall,
It was a strugle. It took me a full week to find how to do it.
There are not very clear tutorials about it.
The only thing I would like is to move it up right under the left navigation.
That I haven’t figured out yet.
Thanks in advance.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 1, 2015

Hi Hans Zuidinga.
Yes, that is a custom work and you can  clone the content of existing block code and custom it as you want in back-end of your site or you can contact to a Magento developer to help you do that.
Other way, you can summit a custom work service from our at
Have a look and contact me if you need further assistance.


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