We are signed up with a company called Olark. They are a live chat support which we use to chat with customers. It is currently live on our dev site on our desktop and mobile. However we would like it to only be on the desktop and remove the feature from mobile. Could you please point us in the right direction to remove the chat ONLY FROM MOBILE? Thank you!
3 answers
Hi Adie,
Please send me your site link and screenshot. It will help me more understand.
Best Regards,
Attched are 2 diffrent images. One of them are an image with the chat box on the bottom right side of the page of a desktop (good) the other an image with the chat box on a mobile telephone (we want to remove). I would like to know how to remove the chat box from the mobile verson of the site: http://lej-stg.bighead.net/
Screen Shot 2015-03-08 at 11.11.10 PM
Hi Adie,
Please send me the FTP, and admin. I have solution i will help you hidden it.
PS: you can stay here with private option.
Best Regards,