How can I remove ja-usertools-color.
I want to select default theme style and remove ja-usertools-color from top menu?
2 answers
Hi dbosnj35,
You can open the file of app\design\frontend\default\jm_dicentotemplate\pa ge\ja_vars.php.
There you would see this line of code
PHP Code:
$_params->set('ja_color','default');//default, red
make change here to select your default color, for example
PHP Code:
$_params->set('ja_color','red');//default, red
To disable the usertool color you change this line
PHP Code:
$_params->set('usertool_color', 4); //0: disable, 4: show font tools
To this
PHP Code:
$_params->set('usertool_color', 0); //0: disable, 4: show font tools
i hope this should help !
Great, It works
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