How to remove last separation line

I’m using MEga Menu on Kidsland theme. And I have a problem, I add a category on the menu with 2 columns, with a Submenu width 640, and Submenu column width 320. And each submenu, with Submenu width 320, and Submenu column width 320.
And I don’t know why there is a separation vertical line on the Right side.
You can take a look here,, on ALIMENTACION
The same on just One Column, on PASEAR

1 answer

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone April 8, 2016

Hi mibabyclub,
To solve the issue as you said, let’s do as below:
Open the CSS file at: skin/frontend/default/jm_kidsland/joomlart/jmmegamenu/css/jmmegamenu.css
and add more below CSS code:

.megacol.last ul { border-right: none !important; }

and clean the Magento cache after your changing.
and let’s me know how it goes.


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