How to stay on product page when adding to cart

Would like to stay on the product page instead of being redirected to cart when adding a product to the cart. I have changed the settings in the configuration: System -> Configuration -> Sales tab -> Checkout and then in the Shopping Cart tab set the After Adding a Product Redirect to Shopping Cart to No

So it should be working, but isn’t and I have cleared all cache.

2 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone March 24, 2015

Hi Lars Nielsen,
Your site is using the third-party extension at /web/app/code/local/ModuleMart/Configurablegridview
This extension was overwrite core function of Magento and this caused the issue as you said so that it is out of support scope support fro this theme.
Please you can contact the provider of Configurablegridview extension or you can find a freelancer to help you solve this.
If you want us to work on this, please summit the custom work request  at and our developers will send you a feedback soon.


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