How to sytle MgMenu in custom magento theme ?

I have install this extension on my magento site
I can enable to insert menu and link,but it’s seem like the css didn’t link to my custom theme?
May I know how can i modified to let Mega Menu read the jmmegamenu.css or the jmmegamenu folder images and etc in my custom theme?

3 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone April 14, 2016

Hi Lau,
You need to copy this folder to your skin: skin\frontend\base\default\joomlart\jmmegamenu for customizing the CSS.
PS: I wonder whether you did purchase this theme on our site or via Themeforest?
Best Regards,

Profile photo of LAU WERN SIN 10.00 $tone April 14, 2016

I am see this extension at magento market.
And see a Q&A say if got question can came here to ask~

I am copy this css to our theme folder, but no effect
So I am just copy all css into one of the css file our theme then is working
But I am facing a responsive problem
May i know is that any extra css code we need to insert for mobile view?

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone April 14, 2016

Hi Lau,
Yes. You need do something for making the off-canvas show in the Mobile view. This is the path you need pay extra. please go to my services and request on quote we will help you do it.
Sorry i can’t help you more.
Best Regards,


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