Hi !
I need to have two stores (in two languages) and for that reason I need the solution for translating "Quickview" and "TOP" (back to top) buttons in different languages. In line translator gives no option for translating these words.
Does anyone knows how to solve this ?
13 answers
Hi asavano,
I just updated the jmquickview extension for you, you know can add a translation line like this
HTML Code:
quickview,"your text goes here"
To your local files
Try it and let me know if it works
Hi Sherlock,
I created translate.csv and put it to my locale folder, but doesn’t work. Can you check my settings ? Please rename "quickview" to something else…and try it out.
On jmquickview extension I also need additional translations for jmquickview window (Previous, Next, Product xx of xx ).
Thanks !
Hi mate,
I added the translate text of quickview to the file of app/design/frontend/default/jm_crafts/locale/en_US/translate.csv as a reference for you, please take a look and change the text yourself
Thanks Sherlock,
now you partially solved only one problem! I have updated translate.csv, but translations of "quickview" only appers on first page. When I click on button "show more" then quickview on additional products is translated as "undefined"!? How to solve this undefined translations !?
Please give me also solution how to translate quickview frame buttons (previous, next, product, of).
Thanks Sherlock,
now you partially solved only one problem! I have updated translate.csv, but translations of "quickview" only appers on first page. When I click on button "show more" then quickview on additional products is translated as "undefined"!? How to solve this undefined translations !?
Please give me also solution how to translate quickview frame buttons (previous, next, product, of).
Hi mate,
For the issue of quickview text you can open the file of app\design\frontend\default\jm_craftstemplate\joo mlart\jmproducts\list.phtml there you look for this line of code
PHP Code:
you can change it to
PHP Code:
$("ul.products-grid").jmquickview({quickviewtext:"<?php echo $this->__("quickview"); ?>",currenttext:"<?php echo $this->__("Product {current} of {total}"); ?>"});
Regarding those texts at quickview frame, let me check this further and I will get back to you with solutions soon
Thanks Sherlock. I have changed it , and now quickview has been finaly translated
I am waiting for your additional answer.
Give me also a translating solution for "TOP" (back to top) button.
Thank you once again in advance !
okay mate, I will check and get back to you with solutions soon.
Thanks Sherlock. I have changed it , and now quickview has been finaly translated
I am waiting for your additional answer.Give me also a translating solution for "TOP" (back to top) button.
Thank you once again in advance !
Hi asavano,
To translate those texts at the quickview frame you can replace those files of app\design\frontend\default\jm_craftstemplate\jmq uickview\quickviewhead.phtml and skin\frontend\default\jm_crafts\joomlart\jmquickvi ew\js\jmquickview.js
By my attached files (remember to back-up old files before replace).
I hope this helps !
Hi Sherlock,
now the quickview frame is translated, but the quickview button on image has been restored to original and doesn’t shows my translation anymore
Please check it once again. Don’t forget other translations which I requested (back on top) .
Hi Sherlock,
now the quickview frame is translated, but the quickview button on image has been restored to original and doesn’t shows my translation anymore
Please check it once again. Don’t forget other translations which I requested (back on top) .
okay asavano, sorry for the mistake, you now can open the file of skin\frontend\default\jm_crafts\joomlart\jmquickvi ew\js\jmquickview.js there at around line number 132 you would see this line of code
PHP Code:
quickviewtag.append(' <button class="form-button jmquickview"><span>Quick View</span></button>');
you can change it to
PHP Code:
quickviewtag.append(' <button class="form-button jmquickview"><span>' + options.quickviewtext + '</span></button>');
For the issue of "back to top" firstly you can open the file of app\design\frontend\default\jm_craftstemplate\pag e\html\head.phtml there you add this snap of code
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript"> var backtotoptext = "<?php echo $this->__('backtotoptext'); ?>"; var toptext = "<?php echo $this->__('toptext'); ?>"; </script>
Then go to edit the file skin\frontend\default\jm_crafts\js\jm.script.js you would see this line of code
HTML Code:
backtotop = jQuery('<a href="#Top" class="btn-btt" title="Back to Top" id="button-btt" style="display: inline;">Top</a>');
you can change it to
HTML Code:
backtotop = jQuery('<a href="#Top" class="btn-btt" title="'+backtotoptext+'" id="button-btt" style="display: inline;">'+toptext+'</a>');
Now you can add your translated texts of toptext and backtotoptext.
Hope this helps !
Thanks Sherlock ! Now everything what I asked has been translated
But the last little issue: jmquickview frame buttons (next, previous…) has been successfully translated , but when I click on jmwall button (load more) and then again on some product jmquickview, frame is partially translated (one part of translations has been restored to original: previous, next).
This happens only on "load more" products….. interesting. Do you have an answer why is this happening ?
okay asavano, For this you can open the file of app\design\frontend\default\jm_craftstemplate\joo mlart\jmproducts\list.phtml there you change
HTML Code:
$("ul.products-grid").jmquickview({quickviewtext:"<?php echo $this->__("quickview"); ?>",currenttext:"<?php echo $this->__("Product {current} of {total}"); ?>"});
By this
HTML Code:
options= { quickviewtext: "<?php echo $this->__("quickview"); ?>", currenttext: "<?php echo $this->__("Product {current} of {total}"); ?>", previoustext: "<?php echo $this->__("previous"); ?>", nexttext: "<?php echo $this->__("next"); ?>" } jQuery(window).load(function($) { jQuery("ul.products-grid").jmquickview(options); jQuery("div.products-grid").jmquickview(options); jQuery("table.products-grid").jmquickview(options); jQuery("ol.products-list").jmquickview(options); });
I hope this helps !
Hi Sherlock !
thanks for help. anyway if I change it exactly as you suggested there will be no quickview on additional products.
so I customized your code. This is the right one:
HTML Code:
$("ul.products-grid").jmquickview({quickviewtext:"<?php echo $this->__("quickview"); ?>",currenttext:"<?php echo $this->__("Product {current} of {total}"); ?>",previoustext: "<?php echo $this->__("previous"); ?>",nexttext: "<?php echo $this->__("next");?>"});
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