How to use the quickstart?

Dear support 
When i import the quickstart.sql into a blank DB, there is an error ‘DBName.cataloginventory_stock_status’ doesn’t exist, i saw the sql create the view before the table exists….?

CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `inventory_stock_1` AS select distinct `legacy_stock_status`.`product_id` AS `product_id`,`legacy_stock_status`.`website_id` AS `website_id`,`legacy_stock_status`.`stock_id` AS `stock_id`,`legacy_stock_status`.`qty` AS `quantity`,`legacy_stock_status`.`stock_status` AS `is_salable`,`product`.`sku` AS `sku` from (`cataloginventory_stock_status` `legacy_stock_status` join `catalog_product_entity` `product` on(`legacy_stock_status`.`product_id` = `product`.`entity_id`));


  1. Actually how to use it? 
  2. Any why the .sql use #_ as table prefix


7 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98150.00 $tone October 5, 2021

Hi Fenco, 
You simply create a blank database (no need to import the SQL file as you did). Please follow the steps to install the Quickstart package here instead.
We hope that helps.
Ubertheme team 

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100280.00 $tone October 5, 2021

Hi There,

it only happens in ubertheme, is this possible to fix?

Please open the file: app\design\frontend\Ubertheme\atoms\Amazon_Login\web\css\source\_module.less and remove the line 16 (Once done, the file looks like:

Then please re-compile the static files. 
PS. We will update a fix to this issue in the next version.

Best Regard,

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98150.00 $tone October 5, 2021

Hi Fenco, 
Yes, we’re glad that it helped. 
If you have any additional questions, please get back to us here.
Ubertheme team


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