When I upload an image into the theme I am not getting the size I would like the product image to be.
And I am also unable to see the image in isolation so that the product image is shown larger and in isolation.
Is it possible to allow the user to click the product images which will allow them to view the images in isolation?
13 answers
Hi Jae,
I am sorry for not getting your points. It would be awesome if you can possibly include URL of your site and a screenshot with detailed explanation. I am happy to help you out.
Best Regards,
I am using the Tony theme.
I have uploaded the product.
When I click the product it does not show me the image larger.
For example: http://www.nastygal.com/gb/chasing-the-night-denim-cap/AGG98754.html?color=105
How can this be achieved I have been waiting for a reply since April 29th.
Hi There,
When I checked in the http://tony.demo.ubertheme.com it still working fine: http://prntscr.com/f6tty9
I think you made something wrong. Please let me know your site URL. I will check more details.
Best Regards,
Hi Ziven,
This is the zoom feature you have sent me a picture of, this is also not working.
The product image on the page is small and when the image is clicked nothing happens.
If you see the link I sent to you, the sites product image is large and when it is clicked it becomes even larger showing the user the entire picture in full screen mode.
How can this be achieved? We are selling fashion items and the customer always needs to see the product in its maximum size possible.
Hi There,
If you want to click on show the popup you need hire someone to make this task. This theme does not support option like you want to. Please go to freelancer and hire someone to make it.
We do not support with customize option.
Hope you understand.
Best Regards,
Hi Ziven,
Ok the zoom feature is not working.
Can you advise why when the mouse hovers over the image the zoom is not working?
Hi There,
It still working fine in My Demo http://tony.demo.ubertheme.com/aliquam-erat-volutpat.html I don’t know why your site not working.
Please share the URL I will check more details. Also please share FTP and admin I will need to check more details.
Best Regards,
Hi There,
I’m still see your site working very fine http://prntscr.com/f8aw7y
Why you see it not working?
Please let me know details.
Best regards,
Hi Ziven,
Its the zoom on the products.
This is not working. I explained this to you in the post above and have been waiting since April 29th.
“Hi Ziven,
Ok the zoom feature is not working.
Can you advise why when the mouse hovers over the image the zoom is not working?”
Im using Google chrome and it does not work.
Hi There,
I checked all chrome and firefox. and still working fine http://prntscr.com/f8egky <-- Chome and http://prntscr.com/f8ehaz <-- Firefox.
What exactly problem you see in here?
Best Regards,
The zoom is not working on my computer.
I have refreshed cache and magento cache.
Hi There,
I checked and this issue show in Chrome via MAC OS. Please give us time to check more details and fix it.
Hope you understand.
Best Regards,