After the whole process when I finalize the purchase as it is loading the image but does not change the page, stagnates
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Thank you
6 answers
@Alvaro Saez: I need a closer look to detect the root of issue here, send me URL, admin & ftp credentials of your site.
@Alvaro Saez: I have checked your website & seen that you customized our Jm Crafts theme much and it’s hard for us to detect the root of issue here.
Kindly take a backup of your site and update the latest version of JM Crafts theme for Magento 1.9.x at:
It’s already update to 1.9
I have made all customization in a different folder “jm_crafts subtheme”, if I disable this theme in system/design I have the same issue when I try to click in checkout.
@Alvaro Saez: As you see, the checkout module was working fine in our theme at:
Via FTP account, i still see many custom views/template in jm_crafts theme in your site. Please take a BACKUP of the old theme in your site & update the latest of jm_crafts at to resolve the issue of checkout module.
And let me know how it goes.
This worked for me:
In /public/app/design/frontend/default/jm_crafts/template/checkout/onepage/review/info.phtml
I’ve changed the line 81:
review = new Review(‘getUrl(‘checkout/onepage/saveOrder’) ?>’, ‘getUrl(‘checkout/onepage/success’) ?>’, $(‘checkout-agreements’));
For this:
review = new Review(‘<!--?php echo $this->getUrl(‘checkout/onepage/saveOrder’, array(‘form_key’ => Mage::getSingleton(‘core/session’)->getFormKey())) ?>’, ‘<!--?php echo $this->getUrl(‘checkout/onepage/success’) ?>’, $(‘checkout-agreements’));
Now issue it’s solved
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