I have install MegaMall quickstart and I want to disable all other languages and instal bulgarian language for default, but I have problems-nothings happen.Can you help me?
best regards
7 answers
Can someone help me?
Hi Ang,
Please try find some font in here https://www.google.com/fonts.
Hope it will help you.
Best Regards,
I have install MegaMall quickstart and I want to disable all other languages and install bulgarian language for default, but I have problem-nothings happen.Can you help me?
Hi angsto,
I want to disable all other languages
=> you go to Admin-> system-> manage stores -> choose store view -> status = disable
install bulgarian language for default
=> you go to Admin-> system -> Configuration -> General -> General -> locate Options -> Locale -> choose Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
-- you download the file https://www.dropbox.com/s/nyw3n4t9ag2jhbh/bg_BG.rar?dl=0
after extracting file and copy to app\locale
Contact me if you need further help.
Best regards,