I want that the image of slideshow links to the product page, like the readmore button…
2 answers
You can edit the Description parameter within your Slideshow module as follows:
[desc img="sl-1.jpg" url="your url"]
Cras gravida enim euEtiam velit ipsum, pellentesque pellentesque tincidunt sit amet, scelerisque nec nibh. Cras gravida, enim eu auctor convallis, neque diam faucibus tortor….
You change "your url" to link where you want image link to
The url can be external or internal -- e.g. index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout= blog&id=83&Itemid=484
If the image in [desc] is NOT in the image folder, or if you have no description, the URL won’t work.
Hope That Helps
Ok, but i want the the image links to the product page too, not only the readmore.
<a href="#"><img src="XXXXXX"></a>
Can i solve this?
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