To solve this issue, please try with my guide:
+ open file app\design\frontend\default\jm_puritytemplate\pag e\includestemplatetools.php, at about line 314, find following code:
PHP Code:
function templateurl(){
return $this->getBaseURL()."/app/design/frontend/joomlart/".$this->template;
function skinurl(){
return $this->getBaseURL()."/skin/frontend/joomlart/".$this->template;
and change to:
PHP Code:
function templateurl(){
return $this->getBaseURL()."/app/design/frontend/default/".$this->template;
function skinurl(){
return $this->getBaseURL()."/skin/frontend/default/".$this->template;
+ Open file app\design\frontend\default\jm_puritytemplate\pag e\ja_vars.php, at about line 39, find following code:
PHP Code:
if (defined('_DEMO_MODE_')) {
$tmpTools = new JA_Tools('purity', $_params, array(JA_TOOL_MENU, JA_TOOL_COLOR));
} else {
$tmpTools = new JA_Tools('purity', $_params);
and change to:
PHP Code:
if (defined('_DEMO_MODE_')) {
$tmpTools = new JA_Tools('jm_purity', $_params, array(JA_TOOL_MENU, JA_TOOL_COLOR));
} else {
$tmpTools = new JA_Tools('jm_purity', $_params);