Import Settings and Admin accounts

After migrating my customers, I noticed that the customer ID has changed, is there a way to keep the same IDs? for example my first customer on my magento1.9 system his ID is 4
but after the migration on magento2 his ID is 1, I think this is because I dont have customer 1,2,3 since they were deleted long time ago. but I have reports outside magento that rely on this IDs
And my second question is, how do I re-start the migration from scratch? and how do I just add the newest addiotions? 

1 answer

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone July 21, 2017

Hi alxanthony,

After migrating my customers, I noticed that the customer ID has changed, is there a way to keep the same IDs? 

Yes, we can provide you a tweak code in the step #6 of our tool to keep old customer IDs.
Let’s make sure that your Magento2 is a fresh instance and then you can do following steps:
-- Reset data migration in the step #6 by cli command: php -f bin/ubdatamigration reset --step=6
(if you have finished in the steps #7, #8 you have to reset these steps first)
-- Open the php file at the path: pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step6Controller.php
and find to the code line:

$customer2->entity_id = null;

and replace it by code line:

//$customer2->entity_id = null;

-- Once done, let’s restart data migration in the step #6 and then, you can remain the old customer IDs.

And my second question is, how do I re-start the migration from scratch?

You can use the reset function of our tool. To reset all steps you can use cli command: php -f bin/ubdatamigration reset


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