I recently received a error message from Google in webmaster tools:
Google detected a significant increase in the number of URLs that return a 404 (Page Not Found) error. Investigating these errors and fixing them where appropriate ensures that Google can successfully crawl your site’s pages.
Looking in admin > catalog > URL Rewrite Management
I have a crazy number of created urls, 1594 urls. I only have 98 items in my store.
Does anyone know anything about this, should I empty out in mysql the urls? "core_url_rewrite"
Why would that many be created in the first place?
Thanks in advance!
5 answers
Hi JC again,
How many store view are there in your site now? As the default behavior Magento will create one Rewrite rule for every category, for every Store View, so you have that big number of url rewrite. You could try to remove store view that you never used, then empty urls in core_url_rewrite table (as you said above) and reindex catalog url rewrite in Backend > System > Index managementhttp://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/663/6681699085.jpg
MAKE A BACKUP before changing anything.
Thank you!
Yes I had the 3 that are part of the quick install, german, french, and english. I deleted the two I did not use, emptied the mysql table mentioned, and re-indexed per your instructions. I’m down to 377 urls. I recreated a sitemap.xml just in case and now will resubmit to google and see if I get this error to go away. I have a feeling it will
Thank you again
You’re welcome and also hope it will be fine
Just in FYI, when deleting some store fronts and managing them you might come up with this problem, and solution here as well which I have, with CMS pages 404 error on magento admin.
running the posted sql is the solution.
I how ever still have a "increase not found" error from webmaster tools google
Dear JC again,
Did it report any link that redirects to 404 page? Please check your site again, remove any unused items/pages, reindexing data and flush all the cache.