Hello Dear Team, i really need your support.
On the Homepage, in the body section on the left side of Ja-Topaz, I have allways an fixed, given image size from 404 *230px. If i use smaler sizes, the images are shown unsharp, using bigger sizes, they are cut.
Could you please help me
Kind regards
Slart Flanagan
5 answers
pls send your live site
Thanks for the fast reply. The site is : http://www.oliverrummel.de, the picturesize has: 500*285px.
Thanks an kind regards,
it is resize funtions, pls check it at code of your template/
it is resize funtions, pls check it at code of your template/
where to go for this code you mention ?
Hi pimmar,
i found the solution bei changing the default.php in templates/ja_topaz/html/com_content/frontpage/
Look for
//Leading image size
and change the size
Hopefully it will help
Kind regards Slart
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