JM Larix Configuration


I am new to Magento and so, apologies for this long post and questions that might be obvious to some people. I have some questions on JM Larix and thought I’d post them here rather than one at a time and I will appreciate your response.

1-Under User Links>Search Terms. How do I edit the search terms?
2-User Links>Advanced Search. How do I edit/remove color, gender, brand?
3-User Links>Contact Us. The contact form does not work. How do I get this to work. Currently, it says Unable to submit your request. Please, try again later
4-How do I add new pages (e.g Our History) and link them to menu items that should appear at the top, close to other items like Home, Mobile, etc?
5-When a sub category under the top menu is clicked, we get some list on left bar. One of those is Shop By, under which is Color. In the Admin panel (or elsewhere), how do I change the colors like black, white, etc to my own colors?
6-Is there any way to add items e.g an advert on the right side bar from the Admin panel or how can I do this through the code?
7-I will like to change the Latest Products Section into a new section like "Discount Offers" with its items displayed. How can I do this?
8-How do I get the website translated into the French Language? The language chooser is available but the site is not translated.
9-The Newsletter does not seem to work as the system cannot send newsletters. How can this be corrected?

Thank you for all the support while waiting for answers.

5 answers

Profile photo of Saguaros 0.00 $tone May 21, 2010

Dear bloom!

I’m sorry for my delay, i have read your thread, you are having many problems , i need more time to check all issues, pls give me some time


congtq 0.00 $tone July 6, 2010

Dear bloom. I’m so sorry for very late reply.

Pls send me your website’s link and a admin account, I will check for you.
However, some your questions are rather basic, you should search in our forum or google, there will be many answers for you.

congtq 0.00 $tone July 27, 2010

Dear bloom!
Pls read this thread…l=1#post183762 to know where templates are, then you can open these files to customize it.

1-Under User Links>Search Terms. How do I edit the search terms?

Go to Admin -> Reports -> Search Terms, you manage them here

2-User Links>Advanced Search. How do I edit/remove color, gender, brand?

5-When a sub category under the top menu is clicked, we get some list on left bar. One of those is Shop By, under which is Color. In the Admin panel (or elsewhere), how do I change the colors like black, white, etc to my own colors?

Go to Admin -> Catalog -> Manage Attributes, at here you manage all Attributes as Color, Gender, Brand…

3-User Links>Contact Us. The contact form does not work. How do I get this to work. Currently, it says Unable to submit your request. Please, try again later

9-The Newsletter does not seem to work as the system cannot send newsletters. How can this be corrected?

Pls send me link of website and admin account, I will check this further

4-How do I add new pages (e.g Our History) and link them to menu items that should appear at the top, close to other items like Home, Mobile, etc?

-- Go to Admin -> CMS -> Pages, click Add New Page. Suppose you set URL Key with "our-history"
-- Open app\design\frontend\default\jm_larixtemplate\cata lognavigationtop.phtml and add this code:

PHP Code:

<li><a href="<?php echo $this->getUrl('our-history');?>"><span><?php echo $this->__('Our History'?></span></a></li>

above </ul>

6-Is there any way to add items e.g an advert on the right side bar from the Admin panel or how can I do this through the code?

-- Go to Admin -> CMS -> Static Blocks, click Add New Block and set Identifier with "advert"
-- Create file advert.phtml in app\design\frontend\default\jm_larixtemplate\call outs folder
with content

PHP Code:

<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('advert')->toHtml() ?>

-- To display in right site, open app\design\frontend\default\jm_larix\layout\page.x ml file and add code
<block type="page/template_links" name="advert" as="advert" template="callouts/advert.phtml"/>
inside =>


<reference name="right">
	<block type="page/template_links" name="advert" as="advert" template="callouts/advert.phtml"/>

7-I will like to change the Latest Products Section into a new section like "Discount Offers" with its items displayed. How can I do this?

-- Go to Admin -> CMS -> Pages, click "Home page" with URL Key "home", click Content tab


{{block type="joomlart_jmproducts/list" title="Latest Products" name="home.jmproducts.list" }}

Change title or remove it and go to Admin -> System -> Configuration and change it in JM Products tab

8-How do I get the website translated into the French Language? The language chooser is available but the site is not translated.

You need install French (France) Language Pack, you can do this with Magento Connect
-- Go to Admin -> System -> Magento Connect -> Magento Connect Manager, login with admin account, copy "magento-community/Locale_Mage_community_fr_FR" to "Paste extension key to install", click Install and wait for automatic install
-- Next, you need to activate French (France) Language, go to Admin -> System -> Configuration to do setting. See attach file for detail

Hope above information is usefull to you


This question is now closed

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