I am having a lot of problems with my imagens in order of the image compression done by gd2 from php.
I have tried everything you have said about the changes but not seem to make any diferente, and I believe that must be because of this template.
Could you please help me to get impove the quality of my images, which I would like to use on 100% instead of 75%.
Thanks a lot.
5 answers
Dear garimpourbano!
May be the necessary solution is there
Good luck
Sorry,but I have tried the both links and i have done everything everyone said,but norhing worked. My images are still looking bad and I getting crazy with it.
I am searching for anothe solution. What can going on with my magento?
Maybe at the php library? Maybe a problem at the template? I am using the jm_lead.
Can ANYONE help me? I really have no idea about what to do. Please?
Which extension have this issue ? where ?
pls give me information in detail.
I’m also having the same problem with Magento compressing my images using JM Ores template. The quality of my images are good, only when viewed from the product pages is the quality poor. I looked at my images on the server in the media folder and the images are good quality. I’m not sure what Magento is using to compress my JPG images but I can’t seem to find and answer. Anyone at JoomlArt know how to fix this problem? I want the quality of my images to stay at 100%.
Pls try to upload original image with more quality.
About code, you may modify app\code\core\Mage\Catalog\Model\Product\Image.php , in line 38 change values in percentage from 0 to 100
PHP Code:
protected $_quality = 90;
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