I am trying to install JM Morganite on Localhost but unable to go through as it says it has exceeded 30 seconds. See below.
[Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP-5.3.2i\www\estore\app\code\core\Mage\Core\function s.php on line 161 ]
I need help please
5 answers
Hi you
Open install.php file, add following code at the start of file
<?php set_time_limit(9999);?>
OK, I have added it but still have same error message. Any more ideas?
Hi bloom
It is so hard to debug your issue. could you send me your ftp account via PM so that i can check your changed and fix it?
I am trying to install it on my laptop and not on a server online.
Dear bloom!
The problem is from the configuration of the apache, you have 2 options to resolve this issue:
1) you use the htaccess file which had in the quickstart package, )
2) you re-configure, i guess that your server have been installed, the magento could not work with default configuration, you should ask one-body who have deep acknowledge of php to configure this for you , or you put your issue in the site of EasyPHP to get best solutions on the issue
GOod luck