I’m migrating template (jm_painite x jm_siotis) and I’m facing some problems:
By enabling Jmmegamenu, it does not display in the frontend.
* the installation was not via quickstart, so I do not lose my data.
Any tips?
Thank you.
4 answers
Hi spiked,
Did you follow the Jmmegamenu’s userguide to create some menu group/menu items in the back-end, also I am not much sure how you migrated those two themes
I just remove my old site and I did the full install. Unfortunately I lost my data. I just believe that when released a new template, it could be more flexible for installation(upgrade template) without having to be at quickstart
Hi spiked,
you just need to follow the theme userguide to install extensions that came along with this theme, make right settings for those extensions, quite easy
in practice things do not work so simple. I have mentioned this in another post in the forum.
If you do a test migration template certainly would detect problems.
But no problem, I run the quickstart and it worked
Thank you.
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