Link Top and side categories to cms or static pages


At this time, I just want to use jm_natris for a business informational porfolio site, not selling any products. So all I want to be able to do is, link all the categories to a cms or static pages. That way, I can create a category, for instance, "wrought Iron railings" and then create a page to link it to, where I can insert pictures and information about that page. Can you please inform me the best way to go about doing this ? Thanks in advance !


1 answer

Profile photo of thangnn1510 0.00 $tone January 3, 2011

Dear Ron!

Regarding your problem, there is a simple way to link your category to a cms block.

First, create your block in admin -> cms -> static blocks, add your links, content and pictures.
Then, go to catalog -> manage categories, edit your category. In "display setting" tab, please set "Static block only" to "Display Mode" and choose block that you created above in "CMS Block".

Hope this helps and happy new year!


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