Hi I am in the process of experimenting with adding social bookmarking. I found Magentix on Connect. http://www.magentix.fr/modules-magen…x-sociaux.html
I am confused where to put the code to see it on product pages and catalog pages. Do I need to use certain phtml for joomlart extensions? or do I use a standard magento phtml files?
Does anyone have suggestions on other social bookmarking extensions?
3 answers
Have you installed the Extension using Magento Connect manager ?
Oh yeah the extension has been installed properly, connect works fine and the options show in the backend properly. I need to figure out in what files to properly insert the code. I’ve been trying to sort out which .phtml files to insert it.
Do I have to use different files from standard Magento files? Do I use files that Joomlart uses?
you need to do the following
add this code where ever you needed
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('bookmarks') ?>
try clearing the magento and see , if it works. if not please send me your ftp and admin details in PM, I will have a look at it