I am a fan of the template work you have already created. My reason for posting on your site is to try and find out if you have started on or have any plans to design a template for Downloadable products. I run an online store selling music and we are moving into MP3 downloads. The current problem with magento templates is that no one has so far designed a template with downloadable products in mind.
The current default template on magento only allows for download links to be uploaded as a list which is a major issue if you have a music album with 4 trakcs and 6 different download formats.
I know this isnt really the site to discuss magento but as i say I am intrested in knowing if there are any plans or any templates already being designed by yourseleves that will look at downloadable product layouts in a better way. If this is something you would be intrested in starting to work on and would like any inout from myself on what I think may be required I would be happy to help in anyway.
Thanks in advance for reading this
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