I had one of the older version of the UB Data Migration tool, and it is causing issues updating Magento to 2.1. When I try and use module:uninstall it hangs up on removing code from Magento codebase:
Do you have any steps to manually remove this module. Is there any database tables that need to be removed or other files outside of the
1 answer
Hi S,
I had one of the older version of the UB Data Migration tool
=> What version you are using? Did you install this from where?
If you have install this from Githug via composer, the first you have to run command:
composer remove ubertheme/module-ubdatamigration
and then, you run the command:
php -f bin/magento module:uninstall Ubertheme_Ubdatamigration
When I try and use module:uninstall it hangs up on removing code from Magento codebase:
=> That command only use to uninstall the module, which installed via composer.
and that is a work flow of Magento2, you have to wait to that task finish at end. That is not a issue.