I want to use the Matrix Rate for my post code shipping set up however am unable to do so as the extension menu in the Admin dashboard is disabled.
I know this extension is free. Can someone help or point me in the right directions please.
3 answers
Hi kingedd1,
I wonder if you referred to Webshopapps Matrix Rate module? Actually, our standard scope of support handles the issues of our products only.
Anyway, I did try to install the Matrix Rate in UB MegaMall for testing, and it worked fine, as per the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/cscry0 (you can see the extension setting under “store->configuration->Shipping Methods’).
thanks for you reply, my problem is getting or installing the Matrix Rate into my UB Megamall site and not the configuration. I have tried using ftp but it would not work and as connect manager is not available to me I don’t how else to get this unto my site.
Hi Kingedd1,
I simply created a folder as per http://prntscr.com/csv48o and implemented installation using the following command:
1. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
2. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Please note if you reinstall the module, make sure you delete the module version here http://prntscr.com/csv7hb
before trying re-installation. If it still does not work, you should contact the extension developer for further assistance http://support.webshopapps.com/matrixrate/