Mega menu not displaying on mobile and screens below 720px

On my site the menu icon is not displayed on screens below 720px.

On your demo site you have the following FA icon which I dont see on my site: <i class="fa fa-bars"> </i>

Is it a bug and in what file should I look to fix it and how?

2 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone September 5, 2014

I have seen your site and see you are missing code in header.
please add it as below :

the file : \app\design\frontend\default\jm_megamalltemplate\ page\html\header.phtml

Find "<div id="jm-mainnav" class="has-toggle">"

and add this code under


<div class="btn-toggle menu-toggle" >
<i class="fa fa-bars">&nbsp;</i>

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