Megamenu stopped working

Hi guys,

I don;t know what I did, but I stopped working on my site for about a month, and now it seems the megamenu canvas doesn’t work. When I view it on a smaller device or resize my screen the menu does not pop out but the screen does dim. Some how I think my jquery is not loading, but haven’t done anything to change that.

6 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone May 13, 2014

I think you did minify JS as well. Please try CSS minifying only.
In magento, you can minify CSS and do not need to use Googleminify.


System-> Configuration -> Developer -> CSS Settings -> Merge CSS Files to "YES"
Profile photo of Paul k 0.00 $tone May 14, 2014

Thanks for that, the only issue is the product slider does not display correctly when I resize my browser in either fullscreen or tablet mode.

here is using the settings you suggested: Attachment 36800

This is what it should look like according to the demo and what it used to look like: Attachment 36801

Its not a major issue. Would be nice to have fewer requests, but its ok.


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