I’m making changes to the template for my website and the problem I have now is that I configured it like Split Menu.
app\design\frontend\default\jm_orestemplate\ page\ja_vars.php
$_params->set(‘ja_menu’,’split’); //css:CSS Menu; split: Split Menu;
If I open the website, Split Menu is working well, but if I click in a category of the men
11 answers
Hi again,
After to give up and relax, some menus started to work well and now everything is OK.
I don’t know why because after to Flush and Refresh the caches many times, nothing changed, I always use Alt+F5 in my browser and use some diferent computers with other browsers and I had the problem always, maybe something strange with my hosting server.
So another problem solved but now I have another question.
I’m using the Split menu because is working better with touchscreen devices but one thing I don’t like, is that when I click with the tablet in the menu, it makes that the website moves down and up very quick, so if the menu appears, the content moves down to show the menu.
Can I make that the content don’t move down or maybe that the menu don’t close when I release the finger?
Thanks again!
I’m using the Split menu because is working better with touchscreen devices but one thing I don’t like, is that when I click with the tablet in the menu, it makes that the website moves down and up very quick, so if the menu appears, the content moves down to show the menu.
I am not much sure what you mean by "it makes that the website moves down and up very quick", I checked your site on an ipad and do not see the mentioned issue, Could you please explain it a little bit more details ?
I don’t have an Ipad, I’m using a Windows 8 tablet but if I use the IPhone, the menu is not doing that I said.
When I use the Windows tablet, if I touch in the category "Shoes" of the menu, the submenu appears, "Trends", "Boots", "Sandals" and it makes that the content under the submenu moves down, but when I release the finger, the submenu dissapears making that the content go up again.
So if I touch the menu, the content under the menu is going down and up.
If I can make that the submenu don’t dissapear after to release the finger, will be perfect. If I use the mouse, when I move the cursor to the menu, the submenu appears but if the cursor is outside of the menu, it dissapears again so I think the solution will be to make that it don’t dissapear when the cursor is not touching the menu.
I don’t know if you can understand what I mean, but if not, I will take a video.
Thank you for your help!!!
Hi jafc76,
You open the file of skin\frontend\default\jm_ores\js\ja.script.js at the bottom file you would see this function
HTML Code:
function rollbackCurrentMenu(){ hideAllMenu(); jQuery("[rel=active_menu]").css("display", "block"); }
Change it to
HTML Code:
function rollbackCurrentMenu(){ //hideAllMenu(); jQuery("[rel=active_menu]").css("display", "block"); }
I hope that helps !
Almost!! But now if I touch "shoes", I can see the subcategories well, and everything works well, but after that if I touch another menu, like for example "bag", during one second I can see the two submenus at the same time.
If you click the menu with the mouse and move fast outside the menu, you will see the same problem. Now the website is with the modification you said.
Thanks again!!!
Hi jafc76,
it’s strange that i did not see the problem, which device did you see the problem ?
I’m using a Windows 8 Tablet, with IE10, here you can see a video with the problem.
At the beginning of the video, I’m using the touchscreen so the cursor is not moving, then I use the mouse.
That white flashes are not real, it happens only in the video.
I’m using a laptop with Windows 7 and I have the same problem with IE9, Chrome and Firefox. Only with Safari is working well.
Another thing I want, is to have the submenu centerd under the main menu, but I don’t know how to do that.
Thank you for your help!!!
Hi jafc76,
It’s strange that I checked your site in a win8 with IE10 and did not see the mentioned problem there.
Another thing I want, is to have the submenu centerd under the main menu, but I don’t know how to do that.
I am afraid that this would require to add some extra javascript code to get the sub menu items to be centered and you have to implement it yourself !
Hi Sherlock Holmes,
I’m using other computers and I have the same problem, only with Safari is working well.
It’s strange. What can we do?
Hi jafc76,
Sorry for this late reply, you can try to change
HTML Code:
function rollbackCurrentMenu(){ hideAllMenu(); jQuery("[rel=active_menu]").css("display", "block"); }
To this
HTML Code:
function rollbackCurrentMenu(){ //hideAllMenu(); //jQuery("[rel=active_menu]").css("display", "block"); }
I think that would help, let me know if the problem still there
After the last change is working like a charm!!
Thank you very much!!!!
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