Have done the following procedure
- Installed new magento
- Installed Mega Menu Extension
- Created a static Block and added the following code in it -- {{block type=”jmmegamenu/jmmegamenu” name=”left.jmmegamenu2″ menu_group_id=”12″}}
- called the static block in header.phtml file -- it didn’t show up
- Used another method by opening rwd -> layout -> page.xml
- added this code --
- <block type=”jmmegamenu/jmmegamenu” name=”left.jmmegamenu1″ before=”-“>
<action method=”addData”><data><menu_group_id>12</menu_group_id></data></action>
<action method=”addData”><data><addition_class>vertical-mega-menu</addition_class></data></action>
</block>below these lines
- <block type=”page/html_topmenu” name=”catalog.topnav” template=”page/html/topmenu.phtml”/>
- <block type=”core/text_list” name=”top.menu” as=”topMenu” translate=”label”>
- <block type=”jmmegamenu/jmmegamenu” name=”left.jmmegamenu1″ before=”-“>
- still didn’t show up
please suggest some
1 answer
Hi there,
It seems you want to customize the MegaMenu in another site. Please try to see this doc. https://www.ubertheme.com/docs/mega-menu/
Please let me know if you need help further.
Also, I see your site show up the UB MegaMenu and it works fine.
Best Regards,