Migrate Customers

Dear Ubertheme,
We are migrating a Magento 1 website with 2 storeviews to a Magento 2 website. We have already setup the Magento 2 store views and configuration for this in Magento 2. Magento 1 and 2 have different store codes for these store views, but the structure has remained the same.
Our goal is to only import customer account (no sales, product, category, attributes etc), so only customer name, password, email, address etc..
It looks like I have to import Store Views to M2 before I can import customers. However, we have already setup these store views and are only looking for a customer import. Can you tell us how we can do this? What steps should we take?

6 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone July 25, 2018

Hi there,

However, we have already setup these store views and are only looking for a customer import. Can you tell us how we can do this? What steps should we take?

You should migrate data in the step #2 of our tool with ‘Merge Default website’ option. 
And then, skip data migration in the steps: #3,#4,#5,#7,#8.
And then, settings and migrate data in the step #6 of our tool.

Profile photo of modernminds 50.00 $tone July 25, 2018

Our setup in M1 is:
Website code: base
-- Storeview NL: default
-- Storeview BE: be
In M2 we have:
Website code: formshop
Storeview NL: formshopnl
Storeview BE: formshopbe
Do i have to rename the storeview codes and website code inside M2 to the ones in M1 before merging?

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone July 25, 2018

Hi there,

Do i have to rename the storeview codes and website code inside M2 to the ones in M1 before merging?

That is not needed. If you check to ‘Merge default websites’, M1 default website, default store, default store view will be merge into M1 default website, default store, default store view. Store view is not default will be migrate as independent store view to M2.

Profile photo of modernminds 50.00 $tone July 25, 2018

I don’t totally understand. What will the merge option do? 
By checking it, will the customers be assigned to the right new store view in magento 2? 
I need my [M1 code: default] customers to end up in existing [M2 code: formshopnl] and my [M1 code: be] to endup in [M2 code: formshopbe]. How is the connection made between old and new?

Profile photo of modernminds 50.00 $tone July 25, 2018

I don’t totally understand. What will the merge option do? 
By checking it, will the customers be assigned to the right new store view in magento 2? 
I need my [M1 code: default] customers to end up in existing [M2 code: formshopnl] and my [M1 code: be] to endup in [M2 code: formshopbe]. How is the connection made between old and new?

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone July 26, 2018

Hi there,

I don’t totally understand. What will the merge option do? 

How is the connection made between old and new?

If you checked the option Merge default websites, all data which belongs to M1 default website, default store, default store view will be migrated automatically as data of the default website, default store, default store view in your existing M2 instance.
The data which belongs to a store view that is not default store view will be migrated as a separated store view in M2.
It means that, if the Store view with code ‘default’ is a default Store view of the default Store in M1 default Website (base), data on it will be migrated as data of the store view ‘formshopnl’ (if this is default Store view of the default Store in default Website in M2)
If you want to merge the data of the none-default Store view (be) as data of the Store view with code ‘formshopbe’ in M2, this is a customized requirement. And you must add more tweak code in our migration tool with steps below before starting data migration:
+ Open the php file: pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step2Controller.php
and find the line:

$storeCode2 = “{$store1->code}_{$store1->store_id}”;

and replace it with:

if ($store1->code == ‘be’) {
$storeCode2 = “formshopbe”;
} else {
$storeCode2 = “{$store1->code}_{$store1->store_id}”;

+ Once done, you could do data migration as you want with steps as my suggesting in reply #1.


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