Migrate multiple magento 1 website to 1 Mageto 2

I have three Magento 1 websites (3 different Magento installations) and now I wanted to migrate them to a single Magento 2 database as mutli website setup.
can you please tell me if I purchase pro version of the data migration tool then will it work with it? 
Thank you.

3 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone March 3, 2021

Hi Dhaval Solanki, 
Thanks for reaching out to us. 
Our module supports migrating multiple Magento 1 websites to 1 Magento 2. However, there’re a few notes if you move forward with multiple website migration. 
We’ve just sent over more details to you via email, kindly check and follow up with us there.
Ubertheme team 

Profile photo of Dan Morin 20.00 $tone March 25, 2021

I’m trying to do this exact same thing.  Can you please send me the same information on how we can migrate multiple separate 1.9 sites into a single Magento 2 multi-site installation?

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone March 25, 2021

Hi Dan Morin, 
We’ve just replied to you via email for the same question, please follow up with us there.
Ubertheme team


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