Migration from a M1 EE to M2 CE

the necessity is to export all the relevant “core” data (customers, products, sites, etc) from a Magento 1 EE to Magento 2 CE, so basically skipping all the enterprise related data (enterprise_* tables)
I know could be necessary to change some values in other tables referring to enterprise items (for instance, in eav_attributes, setting to null the backend_model value on certain rows), so consider I can do these preliminary steps before using your tool 
Consider this, is it feasible to do this using your module?
Another question: is it possibile to schedule a delta export, exporting only what changed on the “master” Magento 1?
Thank you

5 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone April 17, 2018

Hi Antoello Calamea, 
At present, our UB Data Migration Pro is available for Magento 1.x CE to Magento 2.x CE migration only. We have not tested EE to CE migration yet, further due to the difference in database structures between the two versions, we could not confirm if it’s feasible to implement such migration under your circumstance.
Thanks for your understanding.
Ubertheme team 

Profile photo of Antonello Calamea 30.00 $tone April 17, 2018

thank you for the answer.
I would like to try anyway if possible
I tried with Magento data migration tool from CE to CE configuration and, after some queries and tweaking, it worked for a first full import
So, it will be possible for me to try  (I’ll do a this test for you) before buying it?
Or I can buy it and ask for refund in case it’s not working?
Let me know
Thank you
PS What about the possibility to schedule a delta export? It’s essential for me to sync all the product changes (prices, qty, attributes values, ..) something is not possibile to do with data migration tool in delta

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone April 17, 2018

Hi Antonelio Calamea, 
We see your situation. Our default migration tool helps you with Magento CE to CE migration smoothly, including the delta migration step. 
However, we highly recommend you find an alternative option that can guarantee bug-free for Magento EE to CE migration. If such solution is in place, you will ensure data integrity and avoid unexpected data issue due to using a wrong migration tool. 
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone April 17, 2018

Hi Antonello Calamea, 
You can install our migration tool on multiple Magento 2 sites, however you’re allowed to migrate from one single Magento 1 database only. It’s possible to make a test migration on your staging environment though. 
Anyway, based on our experience, you can discard the testing phase and start proceeding migration. This will save you pretty much time. 
Hope that helps. 
Ubertheme team 


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