Hello Sir
We have bought UB Data Migration Pro tool for migration purpose.
We are experiencing very slow Migration of thousands of orders, customers
I have also installed Memcache on my PHP 7.0.23 version and it’s enabled.
Would you suggest me what i can do to speed up Migration
Thank you in Advance.
8 answers
Hi there,
Would you suggest me what i can do to speed up Migration
For better performance, you should consider a VPS server to proceed data migration, you can start from 4 CPU cores @2.7 GHz and SSD hard disk storage.
For your reference, you can take a look at our Magento 2 migration faqs here which refers to an example of processing time for 16,000 products.
Hope that helps.
Thank you Mall for your reply
We will try it
Hi Sina,
Yes, please move forward with the server upgrade.
Ubertheme team
Hi Mall
We installed Memcache and Memcached on AWS Server, we also tested a script to see if memcache is runnig or not
Everything is workeing correctly on AWS server
But when we open UB Data Migration Tool, it shows error on first glance saying “Memcached is not loaded”
We also reviewed setting to enable/disable memcache on UB tool
would you please tell us, what can we do
Thank you
Hi there,
But when we open UB Data Migration Tool, it shows error on first glance saying “Memcached is not loaded”
There is not PHP memcached extension stable version which supports for PHP7 at this time. You could view more at this post.
Therefore, please switch to use the cache file option.
Hi there,
In case you have successfully installed the PHP memcached extension version as in this screenshot for PHP7: http://i.prntscr.com/hPS4Be5qTdGu-WZwwJrQIQ.png
You can try to change the setting to use the PHP memcached following the steps below:
+ After you complete steps as indicated in the Readme.html guide of our migration tool to use PHP memcached, please open once again the cache configuration file of our migration tool at: pub/ub-tool/protected/config/cache.php
and find the line:
and replace it with:
'useMemcached' => true,
Once done, you can continue with data migration in our tool with PHP mememcached option.
Hi Mall
Thank you very much, It’s working fine now
You are the best!
Hi Sina,
Glad that we can help.
If you have any additional question, please get back to us here.
Ubertheme team