Moving breadcrums

I would like to move breadscrums to top of main container (above the tittle) instead of bottom (as it is currently). Thanks for help

1 answer

Profile photo of thangnn1510 0.00 $tone February 8, 2011

Dear Diva34!

The breadcrums is called by this code:

PHP Code:

<!-- breadcrums -->
    <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('breadcrumbs'?>
<!-- // breadcrums -->

in 2columns-left.phtml, 2columns-right.phtml, 3columns.phtml… in app\design\frontend\default\jm_orestemplate\page. You only need move code in those files to after:

HTML Code:

<div id="ja-current-content" class="clearfix">

Hope this helps and good luck!


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