I have to report another bug for JM-slideshow.
When choosing Animation Type not equal to fade text description go away outside of slideshow area.
Attachment 34018
Really wondering if somebody tests the extensions before making them available for download !
5 answers
HI izyshoes,
You can try following instruction to get this fixed:
1) Open the \app\design\frontend\default\jm_sportytemplate\jo omlart\jmslideshow\basic.phtml file, you would see:
HTML Code:
<div class="block jm-slideshow jm-slideshow<?php echo '-'.$config['thumbDirection'];?> ">
Then change it to:
HTML Code:
<div class="block jm-slideshow jm-slideshow<?php echo '-'.$config['thumbDirection'];?> jm-slideshow<?php echo $config['animation']; ?>">
2) Go to the file skin\frontend\default\jm_sporty\joomlart\jmslidesh ow\css\jm.slideshow.css and add this rule:
HTML Code:
.jm-slideshowslice .jm-slide-desc-outer { top: -738px; }
Let me know how it goes.
Thanks @ Sherlock Holmes,
With the code you gave me, I can solve temporarily the problem for the main slider by adapting the top value to 580px for my case since "Main Item height" is 520px. Otherwise text is going over the header.
But it doesn’t work for other slider instances with other dimensions. Ex if "Main Item height" is 300, text will go again away.
Is it possible to put "top" value inline in order to define it for each instance?
I am afraid that it’s hard to apply a dynamic top valule as you want, each time you change the "Main Item height" value you need adjust the top value accordingly.
it is normal now.
Nothing is working as described with JM-extensions.
We shall css for everything but still not working
I hope you understand that the theme is supposed to support several Animation types, each theme has difference in concept, so this one might support this feature and the other does not and so on..