Is it possible to have a next page button below the products on each category page as well as above them?
At the moment you have to scroll back to the top to click next page and if you have chosen to view say 48 products per page that is a real pain.
Many thanks
3 answers
Hi Wayne,
You can try with my tweak as below:
-- Go to file: \app\design\frontend\default\jm_summer\template\ca talog\product\list.phtml
-- Add this line of code:
<?php echo $this->getToolbarHtml() ?>
It will look like this: http://prntscr.com/55vglz
Then flush magento cache.
Best regards,
Many thanks Ziven, that worked perfectly and looks very good.
Maybe this should be incorporated into the template as standard?
Hi Wayne,
Yes. We will updated it on this template.
Please keep this question. We will reminder you soon.
Best regards.