Hi, try as I might, I cannot get the home page to look correct, can you check it for me, I have created all the static blocks etc, but nothing.
10 answers
When you installed your template, did you do so via the Quickstart + Sample data installation process
(for Magento)? —> JM TRAVEL Installation Instructions
Not able to do this, as we use multi stores within Magento.
We used the normal template installation, and then manually created all the cms pages and blocks following the instructions.
Thanks, but we have already used several of your templates, we know how to put them together using the instructions, however this time the homepage is just not working.
As it is a newly released theme, perhaps there is a bug within the base theme files.
I am escalating this onto the JA Development Team to review and further recommendation,
Please make sure that after changing/ adding blocks, you flush magento cache and re-index data via Admin > System > Cache management / Index management.
If it’s still a no-go after that, you can PM me URL, admin and ftp credentials of site you’re working on, I will try to investigate further.
Any news on this issue?
Hi Lyndon,
I couldn’t access with FTP credential you sent me, could you check it and send me again?
Also, I see there are errors on your site -- 404 error page, please make sure that you set the right permission for files/folders on your site. The recommend permission should be: file-644 and folder-755
HI, I re sent the FTP log in last week… Any news on this?
Hi Lyndon,
Please check the ftp account you sent me again as it doesn’t redirect me the folder of your site: http://prntscr.com/4hktip