What is the correct way to override or sub-theme this theme?
I want to leave the theme as standard so that I can apply updates but I need to be able to override some elements of the theme.
Thanks, Fred
5 answers
In my opinion, your best/safest bet would be to utilize TEMPLATE OVERRIDES to protect your specific modifications from changes that may occur during updates/upgrades.
Thanks for the reply Tom but the link you posted is for Joomla, this is a Magento Theme.
I think it’s possible to child/sub theme in Magento but I’m not sure if this theme is set-up for it.
DOH …. my mistake … my bad
I wonder if any of these resources may be of assistance . . . .
Thanks, I’ve seen those or similar before. I was more wondering if Joomlart had a preferred or recommended way for a customer to override themes.
Scarily I’ve seen a reply on one of the threads in the forum that recommends updating a themes core files. The changes made would be lost if Joomlart update the theme.
Hi Fred,
I think the only way is you should backup those files you make changes as well as remember the changes you made so that you can apply those to the upgrade files