Paypal logo

Hi Joomlart,

This is about the JM_Bistro templates for magento.
I want to change the paypal logo to other cards logo.
Where can i do that? and how.



6 answers

Profile photo of chavan 100.00 $tone August 29, 2011

you can change it here in this File \app\design\frontend\base\defaulttemplate\paypal\ partner\logo.phtml

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Profile photo of Peter Jeeva 0.00 $tone September 5, 2011


i did try to find it out, but when i go into the file :
i see this code:

<div class="paypal-logo">
<a href="#" title="<?php echo Mage::helper(‘paypal’)->__(‘Additional Options’) ?>" onclick="‘<?php echo $this->getAboutPaypalPageUrl() ?>’,’paypal’,’width=600,height=350,left=0,top=0,lo cation=no,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes’ ); return false;"><img src="<?php echo $this->escapeHtml($this->getLogoImageUrl()) ?>" alt="<?php echo Mage::helper(‘paypal’)->__(‘Additional Options’) ?>" /></a>

How can i change the picture and the url.
Cos now the picture is from another website , i think so.

mfcphil 0.00 $tone September 5, 2011

can you not simply download the image then create a new module/html code add the image to that then place it where it needs to go.

I’m sure there are thousands of paypal images available on the internet

Profile photo of chavan 100.00 $tone September 7, 2011

Go to : Admin -> System -> Configuration -> Paypal -> Frontend Experience Settings Tab -> set "PayPal Product Logo" to "No Logo"

Clear you cache and you will not see that logo in that place.

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