Problems with Url rewrite

Hi, a lot of imported products seems to have problem with url rewriting, first the rewriting is not working for all products, just for some, I can’t understand the reason. When I try to add a Rewrite for one of these products I get an error message “The product you chose is not associated with the selected store or category.”. The odd is that I have only one store, and when I did the migration process I told to UB to merge default websites.
Please I need help on this.

1 answer

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone October 9, 2018

Hi there,

Please check if you did set the migrated root category as the Root category of the default store in your current default website of your M2 instance?
Once you have set the migrated category properly as mentioned above, if the issue still persists, please try steps below to let M2 re-generate URLs rewrite for categories and associated products:

  • Create a new root category named ‘Temp Root’ category
  • Open the default store of the default website in Stores management in your M2 back-end and change the Root category you have created and click Save button.
  • Once done, open the default Store of the default website again, and change the Root category to the migrated toot category which you want. And click Save button once again.
  • Then clean the Magento cache and re-check the issue you mentioned

And let me know how it goes then.


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