product photos cutting off after load

On the RINGS page/tab, when I clicked “LOAD MORE” at the bottom, the 4 rings that that came up were not centered. 1/2 of each photo was cut off.
Here is an link:
How I can turn on Load More features? (I do not have too many products to load and this features is not necessary for this website)

  1. Profile photo of brankopilicbrankopilic 160.00 $tone January 21, 2015
    Here is an link of that page:

10 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone January 26, 2015

Hi Brank,
I am not entirely sure about the issue you mentioned. I would be best if you could send me your site URL and illustration screenshot. I will help to debug.
Best Regards,

Profile photo of brankopilic 160.00 $tone January 26, 2015

Hi Ziven,
Here is a screen shot of the issue on this template:
Link for this page:
It should look like this:
And there is no need for “Load More” features (how this can be turned off and all products displayed on that page):
Ziven please let me know if you need more information from me in order to solve this issue.

Profile photo of brankopilic 160.00 $tone January 28, 2015

Hi Ziven, 
First off, thank you for your time and support regarding this matter.
I just reviewed this page:
Good thing “Load More” features is off. But this page has few more products that should be displayed!? How I can have all products displayed? (there are 4 more products that should be displayed on that page -- total of 13 products/rings).
At the moment just 8 products are displayed and all other product what usually be shown after you click to “Load More” button are not displayed anymore!
Here is a screen shot of product that are missing:
Once again than you for your time and support,

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone January 29, 2015

Hi Brank,
You can go to the admin -> joomlart -> JM Basetheme -> and config for product show per page in here.
Best Regards,

Profile photo of brankopilic 160.00 $tone January 29, 2015

Hi Ziven,
I tired to visit that page and here is what I see under joomlart —> JM Basetheme:
there is not setup for computer/laptops it is just setup for tablets and mobile!? or I am doing something wrong!!?
In addition I tried to setup here:
it is JM Products.
Please let me know if I am missing something.
(also tired to refresh cache and it is still the same:


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