Quickstart Issue

When I install jm_minisite and then visit the frontend or backend I receive a dialog box looking for a username and password for dev.joomlart.com:80. I have also installed jmtc_asenti and get the same problem!!! If I install jmtc_morganite it works fine. It would appear that the newer quickstarts are referencing content on dev.joomlart.com. Are these quickstart installs tested before being released???????????????????????????????????? They are pointless and useless if they do not work.

1 answer

Profile photo of Saguaros 0.00 $tone February 13, 2012

Could you give me link that you downloaded quickstart package of jm_minisite template?
I’ve just downloaded from this link and installed in my local machine but not faced problem like you.
Please have a check again. Thanks.


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