QuickStart taking too long to install

I bought the Gem template. I’m trying to install the QuickStart version but the installation seems to be get stuck after Configuration Step. I checked the Database and saw that tables are created by the installation but it just never move to next step. It’s been more than half an hour. 

  1. Profile photo of adrianknightadrianknight 10.00 $tone April 2, 2015
    I got it fixed. I just increased PHP memory limit, max execution time and max_input_time to 1024M, 1800 and 1800 respectively.

1 answer

Profile photo of Windig Staff 3760.00 $tone April 3, 2015

Great to hear your comment.
Have a good day friend. If you have any concern in using progress, feel free for contact to me.
Tks and br,


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